• Application for New Connection

  • Application for Re-opening

  • Application for Transfer of Connection

  • Application for Transfer of Ownership

  • Collection of Water bills
  • Collection of Payments for Materials Purchases
  • Collection of Application Fee
  • Collection of Re-opening And Transfer Fee
  • Complaints on Service Connection Leakage before meter
  • Complaints of Malfuction Meter
  • Complaints of No water and Big Consumption
  • Informal Complaints Thru Text
  • Informal Complaints Thru Phone Call
  • Informal Complaints Thru E-mail
  • Responds to Leakages Report Within 2km radius
  • Responds to Leakages Report Within 5km radius
  • Responds to Leakages Report Beyond 5km radius
  • Repair Major Leakages Under the Concrete
    •  Pavement (National Highways)
  • Repair Major Leakages Under the Concrete
    • Pavement (Barangay Road)
  • Repair Major Leakages Under the Concrete
    • Pavement (Footwalk)
  • Repair Major Leakages Earth Pavenment
  • Repair Minor Leakages on Service Connection
  • Repair Minor Leakages on Water Meter  Fittings
  • Technical Assistance
  • Installation of New Connection
  • Installation of Reconnection
  • Installation of Re-opening
  • Installation Transfer of Connection